背景:晚期肺鳞癌患者在铂类为基础的化疗之后针对疾病进展的治疗方案还比较有限。SCC的病理学发现EGFR、ErbB受体过表达和下游通路失调参与其中。LL8(肺鳞癌患者二线A vs E;A为不可逆的ErbB家族抑制剂,E为可逆的EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂)的初步分析显示阿法替尼可带来更好的无进展生存期(PFS)。本研究报告了OS和更新的PFS数据。
结果:相比于接受厄洛替尼(n=397)治疗,阿法替尼组(n=398)的OS明显更好,可降低19%的死亡风险(中位OS:7.9 vs 6.8个月;HR,0.81;95%CI,0.69-095;p=0.008)。在6个月(63.6 vs 54.6%;p=0.010)、12个月(36.4 vs 28.2%;p=0.016)和18个月(22.0 vs 14.4%;p=0.013)可以看到OS的明显差异。阿法替尼的PFS(2.6 vs 1.9个月;HR,0.81;95%CI,0.69-0.96;p=0.010)、ORR(5.5 vs 2.8%;p=0.055)和DCR(50.5 vs 39.5%;p=0.002)也明显更优。
阿法替尼组有更多的患者出现整体健康状况/质量(35.7 vs 28.3%;p=0.041)、
Afatinib (A) vs erlotinib (E) as second-line therapy of patients (pts) with advanced squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lung following platinum-based chemotherapy: Overall survival (OS) analysis from the global phase III trial LUX-Lung 8 (LL8).(Abstract No:8002)
Author(s): Jean-Charles Soria, Enriqueta Felip, Manuel Cobo, et al
Session Type: Oral Abstract Session
Background: Treatment options for pts with advanced SCC of the lung progressing after platinum-based chemotherapy are limited. Overexpression of EGFR, ErbB receptors and the dysregulation of their downstream pathways are implicated in SCC pathobiology. Primary analysis of LL8 (2nd line A, an irreversible ErbB family blocker vs E, a reversible EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor [TKI; only TKI approved in this setting], in pts with SCC of the lung) showed significantly better progression-free survival (PFS) with A. OS and updated PFS are reported here.
Methods: Pts with stage IIIB/IV disease were randomized 1:1 to receive A (40 mg/day) or E (150 mg/day) until disease progression. Primary endpoint: PFS; key secondary endpoint: OS. Other endpoints: objective response (ORR), disease control (DCR), patient reported outcomes and safety. 632 events and a sample size of 800 pts was needed to detect a HR of 0.8 with 80% power for OS.
Results: OS was significantly better with A (n = 398) vs E (n = 397), with a 19% reduced risk of death (median 7.9 vs 6.8 mos; HR [95% CI] 0.81 [0.69–0.95]; p = 0.008). Significant differences in OS were seen at 6 (63.6 vs 54.6%; p = 0.010), 12 (36.4 vs 28.2%; p = 0.016) and 18 (22.0 vs 14.4%; p = 0.013) mos. PFS (median 2.6 vs 1.9 mos; HR [95% CI] 0.81 [0.69–0.96]; p = 0.010), ORR (5.5 vs 2.8%; p = 0.055) and DCR (50.5 vs 39.5%; p = 0.002) were all better for A vs E. More pts had improved global health status/quality of life (35.7 vs 28.3%; p = 0.041), cough (43.4 vs 35.2%; p = 0.029) and dyspnea (51.3 vs 44.1%; p = 0.061) with A vs E. Adverse event (AE) profiles were comparable (G ≥ 3 AEs: 57.1 and 57.5% for A vs E) with a higher incidence of drug-related G3/4 diarrhea (9.9/0.5 vs 2.3/0.3%), G3 stomatitis (4.1 vs 0%) with A and a higher incidence of G3 rash/acne with E (5.9 vs 10.4%). Preliminary data from FoundationOne analysis of tumor blocks will be shown.
Conclusions: A significantly improved OS vs E in pts with SCC of the lung in a 2nd line setting. PFS and DCR were also significantly better. With a manageable AE profile, added QoL benefit, and symptom control seen in LL8, A should be preferred over E for these pts. Clinical trial information: NCT01523587