EAU 25 抢先看 | 15项“最新突破摘要(LBA)”震撼发布,中国研究入选亦成亮点
关键词: EAU 25


摘要号 LB01

英文标题:Europa Uomo Patient REported Shared decision making Study (EU-PRESS): Higher levels of perceived shared decision-making are associated with lower levels of decision regret after treatment for prostate cancer

中文标题:Europa Uomo患者报告共享决策研究(EU-PRESS):共享决策程度越高,前列腺癌患者接受治疗后的决策后悔程度就越低

讲者:Deschamps A

当地时间:3月21日, 16:15

摘要号 LB02

英文标题:Is there a better stent? The Better Lithotripsy and Ureteroscopy Evaluation of Stenting (BLUES) randomized clinical trial comparing the patient experience of silicone vs polyurethane stents


讲者:DiBianco J.M

当地时间:3月21日, 16:45

摘要号 LB03

英文标题:Preoperative Activity before Radical Cystectomy - The PRACTICE Study

中文标题:根治性膀胱切除术前活动情况——PRACTICE 研究

讲者:Volz Y

当地时间:3月21日, 16:40

摘要号 LB04

英文标题:Investigating pathological remission and safety of JSKN003 and KN046 combination therapy in neoadjuvant MIBC treatment: An IIT study

中文标题:探究 JSKN003 和 KN046 联合疗法在新辅助治疗肌层浸润性膀胱癌(MIBC)中的病理缓解情况及安全性:一项开放性、国际多中心临床研究

讲者:Ziqi W

当地时间:3月21日, 16:45

摘要号 LB05

英文标题:Towards greener healthcare: the carbon footprint and staff hours of radical cystectomy versus chemoradiation for muscle-invasive bladder cancer


讲者:Rutten V.C

当地时间:3月22日, 11:55 

摘要号 LB06

英文标题:The effect of multimedia use in the informed consent process on the anxiety level in the parents of children undergoing orchiopexy: Prospective randomized controlled study


讲者:Cetin M

当地时间:3月22日, 13:40

摘要号 LB07

英文标题:Real-world data from the Hugo robotic-assisted surgery system for urology


讲者:Frego N.

当地时间:3月22日, 16:55

摘要号 LB08

英文标题:Evaluation of Cystacin-C as a factor in the complicated course of supravesical obstruction


讲者:Khasanov M

当地时间:3月23日, 15:15 

摘要号 LB09

英文标题:IP8-FLUORESCE: A prospective paired-cohort study evaluating fluorescence confocal microscopy for rapid evaluation of surgical margins in radical prostatectomy


讲者:Mayor N

当地时间:3月24日, 12:15

摘要号 LB11

英文标题:First-in-human study of RAG-01, a novel small activating RNA therapeutic in BCG failure Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) patients


讲者: Anderson P

当地时间:3月24日, 12:15

摘要号 LB12

英文标题:Updated clinical & translational results: BOND-003 Cohort C- A phase 3, single-arm study of intravesical cretostimogene grenadenorepvec for high-risk BCG-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer with carcinoma in situ

中文标题:最新临床与转化医学结果:BOND-003队列C —— 一项膀胱内注射Cretostimogene Grenadenorepvec用于治疗高危BCG无应答的非肌层浸润性膀胱癌(原位癌)的III期单臂研究

讲者:Bivalacqua T

当地时间:3月24日, 12:10 

摘要号 LB13

英文标题:PROQURE-I: First results of a phase I study combining [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 and EBRT in curative intent treatment of N1 prostate cance


讲者:Zuur L.G

当地时间:3月24日, 12:10 

摘要号 LB14

英文标题:The generalizability of randomized controlled trials on newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer using real-world data: PIONEER IMI’s “big data for better outcomes” program

中文标题:基于真实世界数据开展的新诊断转移性前列腺癌随机对照试验的普遍适用性:PIONEER IMI的"大数据促进更佳疗效"项目

讲者:Pellegrino F.

当地时间:3月24日, 12:15 

摘要号 LB15

英文标题:Safety and efficacy of Bel-sar (AU-011), a Virus-like-Drug-Conjugate (VDC) in patients with Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) (NCT05483868)


讲者: Lerner S.

当地时间:3月22日, 15:30 

摘要号 LB16

英文标题:Robotic assistance for Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (RoLEP): First-in-human use of the Beacon Platform (The ASTRA Study)

中文标题:机器人辅助钬激光前列腺剜除术(RoLEP):Beacon 平台的首次人体应用(ASTRA研究)

讲者:Ledezma R

当地时间:3月24日, 14:00


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